Better manage volunteers through software tools


Think of the time you spend on electronics during a single day: The cell phone for breaks at work, the laptop for news at home, the tablet for games with the kids. Now think of how much the 30-and-under generation utilizes these tools. Yeah, it’s a lot more. And while too much technology can be […]

August 15, 2014

Why Should You Use Volunteer Management Software?


Volunteer management is not easy.  Can you imagine trying to use Excel spreadsheets to manage volunteer hours for hundreds of volunteers?  This is a normal occurrence for many organizations, but it does not have to be.  Software makes volunteer management significantly less difficult. How does volunteer management software help? Get grants.  Volunteer management software provides […]

October 11, 2013

Technology Best Practices for Nonprofits (continued)


This blog post is a continuation post from the original 1-5 best practices for nonprofits 6. Blog A well planned and executed blog is one of the most effective things any organization can do to expand its reach. The technology behind a blog is simple and the cost is free. Although it is important that […]

April 1, 2013

Technology for non-profits


My conversations with local non-profits My experience working for a local for-profit company exposed me to the reality that a lot of businesses are using outdated and inefficient technology. And it comes at no surprise that not-for-profit organizations operating with shrinking budgets are more likely than not to be using some of the most primitive […]

January 8, 2012